Wall Of Chaos

Ho lavorato alle sequenze animate per il documentario “Wall Of Chaos” diretto da Omar Pesenti

Mi sono occupato del design dei personaggi e dei background, dello storyboard e dell’animazione delle sequenze animate all’interno del film.


Leipzig, East Germany: a teenager like many others, suffocated by monotony of the rules of the communist regime, sees in punk the only way to break the wall of terror that delimits every step of his existence. But he certainly cannot imagine that the hardly achieved success and visibility will also attract the attention of the Stasi, the infamous secret police.

Shot 02

Shot 03-1–>03-6

Shot 03-7–>03-11

Shot 04-1 04-2

Shot 04-3–>04-6

Shot 05-1

Shot 05-2


School Shot

Directed by: Omar Pesenti
Produced by: Nicola Salvi, Elisabetta Sola @Officina della Comunicazione
Written by: Chiara Porro, Ugo Bacci, Omar Pesenti
Production manager: Elisa Cattaneo
Cinematography: Marco Malizia
Animation: Davide Zetti
Editing: Andrea Rovelli a.m.c.
Sound design: Nicola Gualandris
Color grading: Luca Salmaso

Preproduction Design/Sketches/Concept Art


Process/Rough Animation